Sunday, February 3, 2013

D. H. Lawrence - Women in Love

"It's a classic, so I'm supposed to like it right? LOL"

"A wordy mess once again! Woe to me! why do I keep reading his little known novels?"

"Do not touch this travesty of a book with a barge pole! What a load of twaddle! A few sexual scenes, but even they were dull as dishwater."

"Holy crap what a miserable book. If your Emo or wannabe Emo this is the book for you. You hear people complain that Tolkien will write about a tree for 3 pages, well in this book the author will describe the same thought for 3 pages and then goes absolutely no where with it! My wife explained it best. There is no one in this book to root for ... the author is obviously trying to make you think about sacrifice and love but ended up making me feel drained and delusional."

"Lawrence failed to realise as none of his 'observations' were particularly insightful either. Maybe they would have been at the time but it certainly didn't strike a cord with me, I found it all very boring and predictable."

"I bet D.H. Lawrence was a lot of fun at parties.

Ha ha! I am kidding, of course."

"D.H. has a lot to teach us about love, and better love, and what lies beyond love, and there's a guy named Mary Sue Birkin who's a lot like D.H. and is the way we all should be."

"I was not expecting much from Women in Love. But what I discovered is something entirely different, and probably something that Lawrence did not intend. Humor."

"With Women in Love, Lawrence has built an entire novel around the celebration of maleness and male physicality ... It contains what might be the most graphic descriptions of the male body – as in 'glistening, muscular thighs' – outside of romance novels with Fabio on the cover. It’s RIDICULOUS.
'How perfect and foreign he was—ah how dangerous! Her soul thrilled with complete knowledge. This was the glistening, forbidden apple, this face of a man. She kissed him, putting her fingers over his face, his eyes, his nostrils, over his brows and his ears, to his neck, to know him, to gather him in by touch. He was so firm, and shapely, with such satisfying, inconceivable shapeliness, strange, yet unutterably clear. He was such an unutterable enemy, yet glistening with uncanny white fire. She wanted to touch him and touch him and touch him, till she had him all in her hands, till she had strained him into her knowledge. Ah, if she could have the precious KNOWLEDGE of him, she would be filled, and nothing could deprive her of this.'
Seriously – that text is from a novel that is considered one of the masterpieces of 20th century literature. Seriously."

"My main problem with this book is that I think the dialogues aren't up to standard: there is hardly any difference between a 'male' and 'female' dialogue which has the effect that both women and men sound exactly the same ... As for the narrative, it strikes me as if an amateur has written this."

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