Friday, June 1, 2012

George Eliot - Silas Marner

"This novel being a classic had a very vast vocabulary, because of this it gave the book more depth and purpose also combining these complex words together added a lot of detail. I think it would be good if this book was revised or edited into a bit more simple version, to make it easier to comprehend on the reader’s part. I would add less outer information that made no sense at all and didn’t add to the book. I would also take out some of the random information, because that makes it harder to focus on the plot and basic scenes of the story ... This book is a higher level of thought and comprehension because of this I would recommend this to college students, newlyweds and those who wish to partake of the sweet spirit of children and find out according to George Eliot how much they shape and mold you."

"I had to read this in high school and it was one of several books that convinced me, at the time, that classics were absolutely worthless."

"George Eliot is tremendously boring and imparticularly a disgrace to female authors."

"One of the worst books ever foisted upon the American people!!"

"Like, gouge my eyes out with a spoon already."

"I absolutely dispised this book and have dicided that if George Elliot were still alive today, I'd have to murder her for having written it."

"its beutiful ilearn how can i leave on earth"

"Queer theorist Lee Edelman's _No Future_ alerted me to this surprisingly slim Eliot novel (1861). He locates the symbol of the Child as the condensation of the 'politics of reproduction,' which means the social order holds up the child as the exalted telos/symbol of our future ('I believe that children are the future,' anyone?). With Edelman's critique of our culture's obsession with children, upon which we stake our hopes of heterosexual. reproductive salvation, I was shocked by the familial conservatism of Eliot's novel. Here's a nauseating sample: 'But yet men are led away from threatening destruction: a hand is put into theirs, which leads them forth gently towards a calm and bright land, so that they look no more backward; and the hand may be a little child's.' Anyone else prefer backwardness?"


"Whatever, people will alwys read boring books and then try to explain why they're not boring, but its only a thinly veiled attempt to feel superior to other people who just can't understand 'good fiction, not that crap that people read nowadays'."

"I felt bored reading it because there are some chapters that is slow and I feel that is not necessary to be there."

"Yeah, yeah, so sad, whatever."

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