Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Fyodor Dostoevsky - Notes from Underground II

"Ilike his honesty. some of his thoughts are so absurd but are real & do express the absurdity of human's thoughts. for example, It Is So real that some times CUZ Someone is angry
He tries to get rid of his fury by being mean to someone else. Also,it is so authentic that sometimes one tries to hide sth by saying the exact opposite to people."

"There are many ways to take a theme and make an existential point without boring the reader to tears."

"The question I have that makes me wonder if I don't get it is simply—why? Why does he have to be an self-obsessed asshole? Why can't he be a Buddhist?"

"Ugly. Like looking at a newly born sparrow.
I could not find any redeeming reason to read this. I did not want to be near the book after trying. I tried as he was supposed to be a great author. My memory tells me that I threw this book into the trash. I did not want it on my book shelf."

"First of all, with a name like 'Fyodor Dostoyevsky' how in the world can a guy get published? Perhaps he shouldn't be. That is my opinion."


"i want to put things inside you

not just sex things

important things

like my thoughts

and my books

#Notes From Underground #alt lit #alt-lit #altlit #Poetry"


"Fyodor Dostoevsky: the original hipster"

"For the life of me, all I could see in this novel were the ramblings of a petty, contradictory, indecisive, insufferable abomination of a narrator that severely lacked in social skills. I might appreciate the Underground Man more if he didn't come across to me as an obnoxious, delusional moron."

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