Thursday, January 24, 2013

Germaine Greer - The Female Eunuch II

"Get over yourself sweetheart
If you are a, man, man you will probably love this. If like me you are actually a Eunuch, then forget about it."

"I took a casual glance at my bookshelf of classics and it was noticeable that many female authors are coming in a similar genre eg vindictaion of womens rights, city of ladies, to name two. It's difficult to see whether the books released are done so from a patriarchal or matriarchal perspective, but there is a definate omission of this type of male literature. Of course, sexism is stoked by provoking resentment in people and males could undoubtedly resent the plethora of 'feminist' goods that are pumped out lest they see through this provocation. Maybe we need to get a few out there to counter the imbalance of the last 40 yrs or so."

"I have never come across a more one sided, embittered author who clearly has issues for which she should receive counselling. I agree that the real freedom and equality of the sexes came with the Judeao/Christian influence. I believe that Miss Greer should read Warren Farrell's bestseller -'The Myth of Male Power'. If she reads it with an open mind (if she has one) then she will see that there are many areas in society where men are oppressed. I must deduce that Ms Greer is a very embittered woman!!"

"Having been told this was a book all men should read I did my duty. I then read a bio of her life. Sadly much of what GG says has little to do with the real world and most of her arguments are easily refuted.
Knowing we are all affected and sculpted by our personal experiences, GG herself was one of the first liberated women and cannot understand that her own choices as a sexually 'liberated' woman in Australia-Cambridge Uni when 80-90% of the universities were full of men led her down this road. When her reputation got around is there litle wonder she attracted men interested mainly in her for some sex. As you sow so shall you reap.

I would think we could all benefit if warhorses like GG could explain why if men really have it so good, why is it men die off so much earlier than women and the mortality gap is greatest in the most 'advanced' western countries. Before the Industrial Revolution and (taking out deaths from wars and childbirth) men and women died at about the same age. The trouble is such facts have to be ignored because they show how much more stressed the average male is.

Of course having made herself immensely wealthy, though personally unsatisfied, GG can hardly turn around and say I was wrong, though I suspect if she did she'd end up with even more money simply by being even more controversial. This book is for those who wish to wade in bitterness and pretend they're a victim. Most young women today find this boring though it may appeal to women who are in their 50s and 60s who wish to remember the past. The arguments are as old as reliving the Vietnam War"

"Germaine Greer is a woman, allegedly a doctor (though I could not find of what. I would guess proctology, but that usually entails extracting things from the butt, not lodging your own head firmly up it), and has been a virulent feminist most of her life. During my research I found the reason Dr. Greer originally entered the field of feminism is because her clitoris is shaped like a male penis and the trauma of being teased for it since she was sexually active at the age of 12 drove her into the insanity. Interesting to say the least.

On a completely different note, 'Dr.' Greer wrote her millionth article in a row this week on the topic of 'things I shouldn’t even be fucking talking about' for The Guardian.
As she is a woman, I find it humourous that 'Dr.' Greer — who I would simply just refer to as The Cunt for the remainder of this article, but my man-prudence prohibits me from doing so — even relies on the word 'sympathy' as a part of her female feminist vocabulary. It is not. These female feminists are the same creatures who fabricate most rape allegations in the hopes of making a stab at some mythical patriarchy.

Does that sound like sympathy to you?

There’s no such thing as a patriarchy, Dr. Greer, you stupid cunt.
all feminists are insensitive cunts who have no family for that exact reason. They embarrass and shame their parents until they’re ostracized. They embarrass their friends until wallowing into the self-loathing circles of hags who will accompany them through menopause. They have no children because no man in his right mind would fuck a feminist and even if one was drugged into it, Jesus would step in and perform the world’s first immaculate abortion.

Feminists have no right to families. They are horrid and miserable abortions of women and they will rot in hell. Not the biblical one. I’m talking about the one women enter when they hit 35 and don’t have children."

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